For weeks in 2010, I debated on how to use Twitter to our benefit. Our company was in a very small, niche industry where our target market didn’t use Twitter. Yet, with the growth of Twitter, I was convinced that we could somehow capitalize on it.

If anything, I wanted to reserve our name – so I created an account, did a little branding, followed a few people and then tweeted on occasion so our account didn’t look completely barren.

As I engaged with a few industry participants that actively used Twitter, I began to notice that many of the industry’s journalists were on Twitter. Also, I noticed that none of our competitors were on Twitter engaging with the journalists.

I began actively tweeting with them. And an amazing thing happened, they began to write more often about us on their blogs and in other publications. As we became more visible through our interactions on Twitter, our brand came to journalists’ minds more often.

Formula for success on Twitter

I appreciate it when others break things down for me, so I’m doing you the same favor. Follow these steps to successfully use Twitter as a public relations tool.

  1. Setup your account – This step includes both reserving your name but more importantly, branding your profile to match your style.
  2. Find the influencers – Who are the A-listers in your industry? Who are the journalists or publications that are actively using Twitter? Figure out who they are and then follow them.
  3. Engage
  4. Talk their language – Many journalists watch for certain hashtags – especially since tools such as Tweetdeck make it very easy. Watch for the hashtags they use and then use them to get noticed.
  5. Do their job for them – Provide resources (e.g. photos, videos, stories, anecdotes, whatever!) that makes the journalist’s job easier. They are looking for material to retweet or write about. Give it to them!
  6. Do not self-obsess – I can’t stress this enough. Don’t make your interactions with journalists (or anyone for that matter) solely about you. Avoid just broadcasting corporate news. See step #3.
  7. Rinse and repeat steps #2 – 5
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If you are uncertain about how to effectively use Twitter, read Chris Brogan for a few days. Or watch his Twitter stream.

What have you found to be successful when using Twitter to get some press coverage?