Adam Williams

Advice for marketers and small business owners


Why Borders failed, a digital strategy and what it means to small bookstores

Borders, established 40 years ago in Michigan, just shut its doors. To be honest, I’ll miss it. Despite the “big box” feel, I often found myself lost wandering the aisles wishing I could buy everything. In the wake of Borders’ demise, let’s take a moment and reflect on what happened. Some of the reasons that I’ve read include:

  • Huge inventory in each store and large lease spaces
  • Bet on CDs and DVDs (when everyone else was going digital)
  • Did not develop an eReader
  • Dirty bathrooms
  • High prices
  • Handed over the website to Amazon
  • We are supplier (and therefore brand) agnostic

I’m going to touch on the last two specifically.

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