Adam Williams

Advice for marketers and small business owners


Is Twitter’s IPO overvalued and helping create another stock market bubble? [Updated]

Some investors, analysts and myself are wondering if another dot-com bubble with high-flying valuations of social networks with questionable or unsteady revenue models is being created.

Facebook has yet to live up to all of the hype that it received before going public. Is Twitter next?

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What you need to know to create a successful mobile strategy

First of all, mobile is not a strategy.

Mobile is the mechanism that allows you to do something else. That something else is your strategy.

Mobile enables, accelerates or improves your strategy.

It’s all too often that business owners, marketers and bloggers talk about a mobile strategy being the fancy app or the decision about responsive web design versus mobile site. Those questions, although important, are tactical not strategic.

I’ll illustrate the difference and how you should think about a mobile strategy using three examples from companies who are using mobile well.

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Next Media Animation posts the best response to employee’s viral resignation

On September 28th, 2013, Marina Shifrin decided to quit her job at Next Media Animation in Asia by posting a video telling her boss, “I quit!” The video immediately went viral and garnered over 11 million views in only five days. Watch it for yourself.

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How to use Pinterest’s user behavior to improve all of your social media content

As a brand or business, making the decision to become active on yet another social network is a big one. You have to be prepared to create a strategic approach, create frequent content, put paid media behind it, etc. So it doesn’t always make sense to enter every emerging channel such as Pinterest. Yet, you can still learn from what’s working on Pinterest and apply it to Facebook, Twitter or wherever you might be currently playing.

Here are a few examples of how you can make your content more relevant by observing Pinterest usage.

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3 Reasons Beneful’s Dog Goldberg Machine video went viral

With nearly 2 million views on YouTube after just two weeks, Beneful’s Dog Goldberg Machine video caught a lot of media attention (including a piece on CNN) and social media traction. Before explaining why it worked so well, I want to illustrate just how big the impact was.

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Learn content marketing from Jose Cuervo’s “Have a story”

Jose Cuervo recently released “Have a Story with Kiefer Sutherland. After the Jack Bauer fan in me calmed down, the commercial struck me as a near perfect outline for content marketing success.

In the 30 second spot, Kiefer describes five actions all culminating in the instruction to “have a story” (a key to marketing success).

Here’s the breakdown.

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Does firm-created word of mouth or user-generated content drive purchase intent?

A team from the University of Basel in Switzerland released a paper in 2012 discussing research they had conducted on the impact of firm-created word of mouth communications versus user-generated social media content. The objective was to determine which type of content has the greater effect on consumers’ attitude towards brands and purchase intent. In other words, what’s driving your sales? The content that you create or the content that consumers create?

The research was based on 20 best-selling brands from the tourism, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals industries and also considered the role of traditional advertising such as television.

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