Graphic Designer Adam Ladd recorded his five-year old daughter looking at various national brands’ logos. I’m surprised by how well branded some companies are, even with young children. Though, Ladd’s daughter may just be reflecting his buying habits.
It’s easy when creating a logo to get lost in making something creative and memorable, but for art’s sake. A good logo designer considers the message being communicated.
The message can be literal, figurative or emotional.
Apple’s logo obviously doesn’t have anything to do with computers. But they have created a brand around the logo that evokes strong emotions.
Another great example from the video is the McDonald’s logo. The girlĀ sees french fries – a very literal interpretation of the logo.
Consider, as a best practice, having a child review your design. We, as adults, often add complexity and nuances that we think are apparent but aren’t in actuality to others.